My Routine - The Juggling Act - Claire Moran Designs
Those of you who are familiar with my blog or follow me on Twitter will know that I’ve been back for just over 3 months now, having had a year off for maternity leave. And these three months have been a massive juggling act, and a huge adjustment. I finally feel like we have found a routine, and I’m getting better at keeping all the plates spinning. Although still perfecting it. I have so much admiration for other working Mums who manage work, school and nursery pick ups, and those who also do this with more than one child. It’s been super tough adapting to a new routine but here’s how I manage my day: 6am – Alarm goes off. Get up, have a shower, either wash or don’t wash my hair. 6.30am – Have a cup of tea and breakfast, and catch up on blogging email and Twitter. 7am – Wake our daughter (I have to wake her most days) and get her ready for nursery, as well as getting her bag packed. 7.25am – Leave the house for nursery drop off, and walk to nursery, it takes about 12 minutes to walk there. 7.40am – Arrive at nursery and drop off my daughter for breakfast. 7.55am – Catch the train into London for work. 8.30am – Arrive at work and spend 30 minutes reading emails and planning my day. 9am – 5pm – At work busy in project meetings, briefing designers and developers, reviewing work and writing documentation. 5pm – Leave the office at 5pm on the dot, any later I might miss the train. 5.20pm – Take the train from London back home. 5.30pm – Hop foot it back up the hill to nursery 5.45pm – Arrive at nursery to collect our daughter, and I will then probably spend a few minutes chatting to the staff about how her day went. 6pm – Arrive home and cook my daughter dinner often Spaghetti Bolognese, followed by a Weetabix. 6.45pm – Bath and splash time. 7pm – Story and bed time. 7.15pm – 10pm – Often I will spend this time making dinner for my husband and I, doing household chores, cooking a batch of food for my daughter, catching up on work or writing a blog post. 10.30pm – That’s it the day is over. I try really hard to go to bed at 10.30 to avoid being too tired the next day. And repeat…… This has been pretty much my daily routine for the last 3 months. There are some changes that I need to make to it. I need to get better at time blocking my day, and sharing the chores at home with my husband. We have just got a cleaner which has made life A LOT easier, and that I no longer have to worry about having an unclean bathroom or when I can fit in the hoovering. It’s been challenging going back to work after a year drinking coffee and eating cake in the local coffee shops. But I am enjoying using my brain again. How did you find the juggling act when you returned to work, how did you manage it all. I would love to hear from you. Claire x